New York

Essential New York: Fall in the Finger Lakes

Sigh… The fall leaves are almost all gone for the season. There are some trees that got the memo a little late and are still wearing their yellows and oranges, but the brightest and most brilliant part of the fall leaf season is over. Winter is on it’s way.

But before the leaves fell, there was a trip to the Finger Lakes to enjoy family, fall, food, and some good old autumn apple picking. For our morning of outdoor doggie-friendly fall fun, we invaded Little Tree Orchards in Newfield, NY. This small and comfortable apple farm is only a short drive from Ithaca, NY – my non-NYC east coast home. (with family living there and plenty of college memories to boot, it will always be close to my heart)

Ok, secret. I’d never been apple picking before this trip. Yes, I have now lived on the east coast of the US for 14 years. Yes, it is *extremely* popular. And yes, it’s a signature northeast fall activity. Somehow though it just never happened. Kinda like how it took me 9 years of living in NYC to actually go hike the Appalachian Trail in the fall leaves. But the fact that I had never been apple picking in my 14 years in New York State was an extra reason to actually do it finally.

And I can’t believe what I was missing. Apples, apple cider, apple cider donuts? I’m an idiot.

Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkColorful leaves at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkMums at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkInside Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkNashi pears at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkMacoun apples at Little Tree Orchards | Ithaca, New YorkCambodia at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkHalf peck of apples at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkPears and grapes at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkFloor daisies at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New YorkWalking the dog at Little Tree Orchard | Ithaca, New York

This article is part of a TravelShus series about travel around New York State. Read more HERE.



  • Adina | Gluten Free Travelette
    November 20, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    Yum – I spy some Asian Pears in there huh! I just made a super tasty crisp with some of those. How fun that Cambodia got to go with you too!

    • Annie
      November 20, 2013 at 4:25 pm

      omg i love asian pears. so crunchy and fresh.
      the pup really enjoyed sniffing. so much awesome stuff to sniff.

  • Hogga
    December 3, 2013 at 2:35 pm

    so lovely. Fall is such a beautiful season

    • Annie
      December 4, 2013 at 2:42 pm

      thanks! i know – im sad its over and the cold has commenced. hopefully we get some pretty lightly-falling snow this season!


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