Kitchen area in the Chocolate Hole cottage | St John, USVI
View from Peace Hill | St John, USVI
Beach rooster in Honeymoon Bay | St John, USVI
Setting sun lights up Hart Bay | St John, USVI
Virgin Islands Ecotours shack at Honeymoon Beach | St John, USVI
Palm tree shade in the USVI
Chocolate Hole | St John, USVI
Bedroom area of the Chocolate Hole cottage | St John, USVI
Virgin Island sunset | St John, USVI
Salomon-Honeymoon Beach | St John, USVI
Waterlemon Bay hiking trail | St John, USVI
Denis Bay | St John, USVI
Wwaiting to kayak on Honeymoon Beach | St John, USVI
Lizard on a cactus in Chocolate Hole | St John, USVI
Pool and hot tub at the Chocolate Hole cottage | St John, USVI
Peace Hill sugar mill tower | St John, USVI
Waterlemon Bay beach | St John, USVI
Trunk Bay rocky edges | St John, USVI
Chocolate Hole | St John, USVI
Big and Little Maho Bay, St John, USVI
Stone cottage in Chocolate Hole | St John, USVI
Lind Point Solomon Beach hiking trail | St John, USVI
Honeymoon beach ombre | St John, USVI
Interior of the Chocolate Hole cottage | St John, USVI
Spiky green and purple tropical plant | St John, USVI
Hawksnest Bay | St John, USVI
Maho Bay | St John, USVI
Empty chairs in Trunk Bay | St John, USVI
View of St Thomas from Lind Point | St John, USVI
jumbie Bay | St John, USVI
Peace Hill sugar mill tower | St John, USVI
Deserted Denis Bay | St John, USVI
Sunburst plant in Trunk Bay | St John, USVI
St John, USVI scenes
Hawksnest Bay beach | St John, USVI
Layered yellow tropical flower | St John, USVI
Chocolate Hole beach rocks | St john, USVI
View of Trunk Bay from Peace Hill | St John, USVI
Honeymoon beach shade | St John, USVI
Hansen Bay water | St John, USVI
Denis Bay | St John, USVI
Tall palms at the Cinnamon Bay campground | St John, USVI
Love City mini mart near Coral Bay | St John, USVI
Chocolate Hole cottage outside | St John, USVI
Waterlemon Bay beach | St John, USVI
Main house at the Chocolate Hole cottage | St John, USVI
Aqua house with a yellow door | St John, USVI
Flowers and colors in Cruz Bay | St John, USVI
Maho Bay, looking west | St John, USVI
The Beach Bar in Cruz Bay | St John, USVI
Cinnamon Bay beach party scene | St John, USVI
Hansen Bay sand | St John, USVI
Denis Bay panorama | St John, USVI
Travelshus in Trunk Bay | St John, USVI
Yellow trailer house in Cruz Bay | St John, USVI
Banana Deck in Cruz Bay | St John, USVI